21 September 2008

Jaime Pressly


Biography of Jaime Pressly

Jaime Pressly was born in Kinston, North Carolina, on July 30, 1977, to parents Brenda and James. Active in dancing and gymnastics for 11 years, she modeled as a teen while part of the International Cover Model Search, and at just 14, Jaime Pressly was traveling overseas to Italy and Japan to strut her stuff. A year later, while attending Costa Mesa High School, Jaime took the bold step of becoming emancipated from her parents following their divorce.


In 1997, Jaime Pressly was offered a role in Poison Ivy: The New Seduction. Having previously appeared as a body double in the series, Jaime agreed to star in the title role this time. Although she didn't like the nude scenes, she bared all in what would've otherwise been a forgettable sexual thriller. It was a learning experience for Jaime Pressly and, although she posed for Playboy in 1998, she wasn't about to let herself be typecast by her budding sexual image.


jaime pressly in jack and jill
Jaime Pressly applied her gymnastics background to her next role in 1998’s TV series Push. The series was short-lived, but Jaime followed it up with a spot in Mortal Kombat: Conquest and later appeared on the big screen in the 1999 Jerry Springer-led white-trash comedy Ringmaster. Solid work came Jaime Pressly 's way with the role of Audrey in Jack & Jill; the series aired for two years and Jaime seasoned her acting skills by appearing in 31 episodes.


Jaime Pressly gained added exposure in 2001 when she was named as a spokesmodel for Liz Claiborne Cosmetics. Movie roles followed in 2002 when she played a bitchy cheerleader in the spoof Not Another Teen Movie, which was ironic since Jaime had previously lost out on parts in Bring It On and She's All That. In 2004, Jaime Pressly played a criminal in the action flick Torque, and she also started her own lingerie line.


jaime pressly on my name is earl
By 2005, Jaime Pressly proved herself as a capable actress in movies, television and even music videos for Marilyn Manson and Aerosmith. Although she'd appeared in guest spots on Becker, Charmed and a rehash of The Twilight Zone, Jaime Pressly didn't get a recurring role until she signed to play Joy in My Name is Earl. The hit show provided steady work and Jaime began to get critical notice for her acting chops. A pair of Emmy noms came her way with the prospect of a bigger prize to follow.


While she worked on My Name is Earl, Jaime Pressly also guested on Las Vegas, Entourage and even hosted Saturday Night Live in 2006. In 2007, Jaime Pressly reached new highs, starting with an Emmy win for her work on My Name is Earl. She also celebrated the birth of her first child on May 11, 2007. As an Emmy winner and a hot mama.


As for other big-screen accomplishments, in 2008, Jaime Pressly lent her voice to the film Horton Hears a Who! Steve Carell and Jim Carrey.




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