29 September 2008

Anna Falchi

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Why Is She Famous?

A longtime favorite pinup girl and model in her father's native Italy, Anna Falchi has gained some international recognition through various movies and TV shows in the past decade, most notably in Cemetery Man (1994), Celluloide (1996) and Poor But Beautiful (1996)

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Sensual Female Anna Falchi Biography:

Anna Falchi was born Anna Kristiina Palomaki, on April 22, 1972, in Tampere, Finland. Her mother, Kaarina Palomaki Sisko, is Finnish, while Anna's father, Benito "Tito" Falchi, is from Romagna, Italy. Growing up in Italy, Anna was a bit of a tomboy, and had a fervent imagination; these characteristics became part of her childhood imaginary friend, whom she called "Puff." Puff also gave Anna a sense of stability since her father abandoned her and her mother, and Anna had to work at making friends. Even now, Anna and her father remain estranged.

Anna Falchi Topless Sexy Wallpapers Anna's mother enrolled her in a modeling school in the 1980s, and her career was about to take off. In 1989, she entered the Miss Italy competition and won the title of Miss Cinema. That victory brought Anna to the attention of famed film director Federico Fellini, who cast her in a commercial he was making for the Bank of Rome.
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After a few more years of modeling, Anna took the advice of a friend and decided to pursue a film career in Italy. She appeared in 1993's Nel Continente Nero (On the Dark Continent), which was followed by a string of other Italian productions, including Anni 90 - Parte II in 1993, and S.P.Q.R. 2000 e 1/2 anni fa, Miracolo italiano, and C'e Kim Novak al telefono, all in 1994.

Anna Falchi Hot Bikini Images The mid-1990s also saw Anna starring in a number of international productions, such as L'Affaire (1994), Dellamorte Dellamore [aka, Cemetary Man (1994)], La Principessa e il povero [aka, The Princess and the Pauper (1997)], and the miniseries Caraibi [Blood Brothers (1999)].
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Meanwhile, Anna Falchi continued to develop herself as a media personality. She did advertising work for Marcolin, Infiore bras and Daniela Bongiorno jeans. She also became a fixture on Italian television, hosting or cohosting a series of pageants and specials, including Luna Park, Donna sotto le Stelle, Stelle a 4 zampe, and Domenica In.
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Since 2000, Anna has continued on her successful, multi-disciplinary career path, and has even added a few more dimensions to it. She played herself alongside fellow models Cindy Crawford and Victoria Silvstedt in the comedy Bodyguards (2000), and she promoted Intgre, Yamaha, Armata di Mare, and Auguri Preziosi.

Anna also took to the stage, acting in Italian productions of Ray Cooney's Two into One and Niel Simon's Barefoot in the Park.

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All this activity has understandably slowed Anna's film output, and she has only appeared in a few movies since 2002, but those works include Operazione Rosmarino (2002), Nessun Messaggio in Segreteria, L'Allenator nel pallone 2, and Un'Estate al mare.

As she remains active as an actress, host, model, and spokeswoman, however, it's unlikely that her biography won't need updating before long.

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Made her debut in a TV commercial for an Italian bank, starring Paolo Villaggio and directed by Federico Fellini.

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