21 September 2008

Danna Garcia


Biography of Danna Garcia

Danna Maria Garcia Osuna was born on February 4, 1978, in Bogota, Colombia. The daughter of a beloved Colombian singer named Claudia Osuna, Danna Garcia’s childhood was spent in the company of exceedingly talented musicians, performers and other assorted members of the local entertainment industry. It came as no surprise to anyone, then, when Danna announced her intentions to pursue a career in the business, and she got her start by forming a band with her sister Claudia entitled Cafe Moreno.

Danna Garcia Sexy Smile
Danna Garcia

danna garcia records momposino
The siblings quickly got to work on their first album, Momposino, and the two were pleasantly shocked when the record shot to the top of the charts (it has since gone three-times platinum). It was also around that time that Danna Garcia began pursuing work as an actress, and she subsequently spent much of the mid-‘90s appearing in a series of popular Spanish-language telenovelas. 1996 proved to be an especially fruitful year for the aspiring actress, as she made history as the first Colombian to ever land a recurring role on a Mexican telenovela. The show, entitled Al norte del corazon, brought Danna Garcia to the attention of an entirely new audience, and it wasn’t long before she found herself being presented with increasingly high-profile opportunities.


danna garcia in pasion de gavilanes
After working on a variety of television shows, Danna Garcia made a name for herself thanks to a prominent role on the hugely successful program Pasion de Gavilanes. Her burgeoning level of fame made her an ideal candidate for modeling, and in addition to her work for Maybelline, Danna Garcia also managed to land a lucrative contract with cosmetic firm Garnier. Recently, Danna has been cropping up in such programs as Corazon partido and Decisiones.

Danna Garcia Sexy Pose
Danna Garcia

Danna Garcia

Danna Garcia

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