20 August 2008

Jessica Chobot


Born on July 7, 1977, in Buffalo, New York, her family moved from town to town frequently during her youth. Before entering high school, Jessica Chobot lived in several places on the East Coast and all around the Midwest. Perhaps to make amends for the stress caused by so much relocating at such a young age, her folks indulged her increasing addiction to video games by buying just about any system the budding hardcore gamer desired.


By the time she reached her teens, Jessica Chobot was supplementing her gaming obsession with other interests. She went through a punk/goth phase that encompassed a preference for combat boots, Nietzsche and vampires. She also discovered role-playing games during this time, as characters like Malkavian and Toreador from White Wolf's Vampire: The Masquerade became her alter egos. She joined her first LARPing group while she was attending college in Ohio.


jessica chobot poses with psp
After earning her bachelor of fine arts degree, Jessica Chobot attempted to overcome her gaming obsession and joined the nine-to-five world as an administrative assistant at a real estate agency. After a few years of steady office work, her obsession was reignited when she started getting into games like World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XI. A sizable tax refund, coupled with an emotional meltdown, made her decide to buy a one-way ticket to Japan to start a whole new life. As her money ran out before she could secure any long-term work, she eventually found herself back home in the States. She got married and returned to college to obtain a teaching certificate in art education with a minor in literature and video game character design.


Following her graduation, Jessica Chobot landed a job at EB Games, and also started doing some modeling work for the I Group and Talent Shop in Detroit. In 2005, she showed up for a photo shoot with a Sony PSP pack she just happened to have picked up before the session. Eager to show off her latest toy, shots of her with the system were taken, including one in which she sensually licked the PSP.

She sent the sexy snap shot to Kotaku.com on a lark, not believing they'd actually ever post it. To Jessica Chobot's surprise, the image was put up on their site and they quickly began receiving e-mails inquiring about the identity of the licker. Kotaku's EIC then offered her a job as a game reviewer for RedAssedBaboon.com. At an IGN E3 party that year, she met an IGN.com rep and began freelancing for their Insider channel.


jessica chobot is no. 88 on 2008 top 99
When Jessica Chobot was offered the hosting gig for the IGN Weekly show, it prompted her to move out to California and get a divorce. Many other avenues opened for her since she moved out West, including that of game advisor for The Daily Habit and dating advice columnist for IGN's Babes channel. She also appears regularly as a guest on Maxim Radio, and began reporting for the Championship Gaming Invitational.


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