10 August 2008

Flavia de Oliveira



There’s little doubt that Flavia de Oliveira has become one of the fashion industry’s most sought-after personalities, which is doubly impressive when one considers the rags-to-riches nature of her story. Born and raised in Brazil, Flavia de Oliveira hardly gave modeling a second thought while growing up -- though her lanky body and exotic looks made it increasingly clear that she possessed the kind of rare beauty that one generally associates with the runway. Her striking green eyes and irresistible brown hair, coupled with her almost statuesque frame of 5’9”, made her a natural candidate for modeling, and sometime around the turn of the century, Flavia de Oliveira decided to follow in the footsteps of such forebearers as Cameron Russell, Hilary Rhoda and Freja Beha Erichsen by jumping headfirst into the cutthroat fashion industry.


Flavia de Oliveira made her professional debut in 2002 with appearances at a number of high-profile fashion shows, walking the runway for such prestigious designers as Giorgio Armani, Nina Ricci and Yigal Azrouel. Flavia worked steadily over the next several years, slowly building up her resume with some seriously impressive names and designers. Along the way, she signed with several well-known modeling agencies -- including the legendary Ford Models agency, which has been home to ladies like Veronica Webb, Keshia Chante and Eva Pigford. Flavia de Oliveira’s big break came in 2006 when she was asked to participate in the annual Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, and she made such a positive impact on the runway that she was asked back in ’07.


Flavia de Oliveira is an up-and-coming model who has played a pivotal role in such eye-catching campaigns as Armani Fragrance, Dolce & Gabbana and Salvatore Ferragamo, though there’s little doubt that she’s best known for her work at both the 2006 and 2007 Victoria’s Secret Fashion shows.

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